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You, 5 years ago :)

"Sometimes it's easy to lose track of just how far you've already come-- or just how far you still need to go in life. Use the following pages to make an accurate assessment of where you stood in these ten critical areas five years ago. Specifically, next to each of these categories, give yourself a score on a scale from 0 to 10, 0 meaning you had nothing in this area, and 10 meaning you were absolutely living your life's desire in that category." -Tony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within

*Feel free to substitute categories that are not part of your value system- for me, attractiveness got taken out and replaced with impact/service."

This is SUCH a cool exercise to do right now. Are you feeling increasingly stagnant with your growth right now, or am I the only one?

I'm doing a lot right now, but I am used to having a feeling of massive improvement and growth all the time. This exercise was exactly what I needed- it made me incredibly aware of how far I have come in the past 5 years and gave me a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. Wow.

Take a minute to do this exercise and even grab the book on Amazon if you feel inclined- it is on sale for $13 last time I checked. Awaken the Giant Within

Never judge yourself based on where you are right now. Look how far you've come, assess yourself today, and then assess how you want to feel and where you want to be 5 years from today!

Run Challenge for the PFP Family: A Challenge From Coach Cathy

PFP Family! Have you been bored with your usual running routine, or been struggling to get out the door as often as you need to? Have you fallen off track with training?  You may just need a fun running challenge to reignite your love of running.

This challenge will reboot your motivation and spur your competitive spirit. You don't necessarily have to compete with others. Sometimes competing against yourself offers the greatest reward.

Here’s the deal, complete each of these 6 distances during the month of April:


  • 1 mile            
  • 5K…3.11m                
  • 5 miles          
  • 10K…6.21m    
  • 10 miles  
  • ½ marathon…13.11m

You may complete the distances as many times as you like, because let’s face it, the truth is, you can always go faster, and sometimes the truth hurts. :)

The idea is to complete the distance as fast as you can, which will lower your overall cumulative time.

Submit a picture of you and the distance and your time in our private PFP facebook pages, and/or by emailing us at PFP and we will celebrate you on social media! You could also share a screenshot of your course/MyZone or running app, of what you completed.

“And you must, you really must because there will be days, weeks, months, maybe years when you can’t. And everyday that you say yes is the making of a ritual that builds force like the tide.” -Lauren Fleshman

Let’s hit it PFP family, while we can!

-Coach Cathy

Nutrition Tip of the Day from Coach Steph!

Yes: This time in life right now is very different then the normal flow of your everyday life.   Yes: It is an adjustment   No: It does not have to stop you from reaching your goals.   No: You should not just eat, do, say, or think whatever you want just because it is a challenging time.    No: this will not last forever.   Yes: this can make you stronger if you lean into the growth opportunities and seek the positive potential.    Be Stronger Than Your Excuses Today Warriors!

Serving you,

Coach Andrew and Your PFP Team

Don't forget, there are close to 1,000 other people reading these emails on average. They are in this battle just like you. The battle against temptation. The battle against stinkin' thinkin'. The battle against complacency, giving up, throwing in the towel.


Andrew Simpson

Chief Vision Officer
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