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Overcoming "I don't feel like it" Syndrome

I talk to a lot of parents, coaches too, who are frustrated with their athlete's effort.

"They aren't consistent. Their actions do not match their goals."

While this may be true, I also hear it from the athlete's perspective.

"They just put so much pressure on me. I just want to have a life outside of sports."

Who's right?

Both, of course :-)

In this special 6 minute power training I did for my Inner Circle Mindset Students, I taught on how to Crush Your Commitments. It was my 3rd and final lesson (there are always 3 lessons during the Inner Circle calls) and probably the most impactful.

While I firmly believe that parents should not be the ones holding their kids accountable to putting in extra work (skills, running, watching game film, etc.), I DO believe that it is good and healthy for a young athlete to learn the extreme importance of aligning their actions with their future goals and dreams.

This is part of being successful- which is something I believe EVERY young man or woman deserves to experience.

Without further ado, here is the special 6 minute training.

Dedicated to your athlete's success in sports and life,

Coach Andrew J Simpson

P.S. Do you want me to personally coach and mentor your athlete? The guaranteed results are greater levels of success and performance while they maintain and improve their mental toughness, mental health, and mental focus. Click here to test drive the Winning Athlete Inner Circle Program FREE for 30 days.

P.P.S. My new book is here and it is packed with short, easy to understand, practical tips to help your athlete level up their habits, mindset, and confidence. Get the book HERE along with 5 gifts.

Andrew Simpson

Chief Vision Officer
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