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Metabolism, cancer risk, kids being attacked

It's never been easier to be anxious, overwhelmed, depressed, overweight, sick, and hopeless.

I promise you'll be inspired by the end of this (because CONFIDENCE, joy, health, and accomplishing your goals has ALSO never been more possible) but first, we gotta address the obvious.

  1. KIDS: Kids are being attacked from all angles. They have powerful phones but they are too vulnerable and immature to self-regulate and avoid temptations. They cannot help but to become addicted to social media and follow their peers and celebrities --> which leads to constant and nonstop comparison --> which leads to feeling inadequate and anxious --> "I'll never measure up."

    They worry about what others think of them constantly, they fear not living up to expectations for sports and school, and they take just about everything personally. Unfortunately, few of them have real mentor-leaders who will coach them and keep them accountable to living life as leaders, not followers.

  2. ADULTS: The Era of Convenience continues to make us tired, overweight, out of shape "Box People".

    Wake up, look at my box phone. Eat my box cereal. Drive in my box to work OR stay in your pajamas and work from my box laptop from the convenience of my home. Order groceries from the convenience of my box phone. Watch multiple series from my box TV. Check my box phone messages before I go to sleep.

    We sit more than ever before, and when we sit:
  3. our muscles and joints get tight
  4. our metabolism SLOWS down and the scale doesn't budge or goes in the wrong direction
  5. our endorphins are non-existent which means our energy stays low (and our patience as well)
  6. our lymph stops circulating throughout our body making us more susceptible for disease, cancer, etc.

Now for the positive focus: You Don't Have to Conform

  • Your kids can be inspired by love-powered, life-transforming coaches who really care about them. They can learn how to take back control of their thoughts, emotions, and actions.
  • YOU can make it your mission to choose vitality over convenience. You can commit fully to being the example you always wished your parents were for you---> exercise 3-4 days per week, overhaul your pantry and fridge with the help of a coach, choose the stairs over the elevator, park far away from the store, drink water, and prioritize sleep.

We need to take baby steps, but we also must recognize that a baby's FIRST step is really a "big one".

It is uncomfortable, it is NOT always convenient, but it IS always worth it.

We believe in you and would love the opportunity to coach you and your family towards better health, confidence, and wellness.

Andrew Simpson

Chief Vision Officer
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