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Meet Dylan, Passionate Coach

Hello PFP Fam!

Consider this my introduction if we have not had the pleasure of meeting.

My name is Dylan, my favorite color is blue, and I was born and raised in Frederick. My true love is training and fitness.

For a few years, I have had the duty to serve my community as a strength and conditioning coach. It was something I was excited to add to my resume when I first started.

However, it took my mentor asking me, “What does a strength and conditioning coach mean to you?” to realize that I had no idea what it even was.

That evening, I went home and googled the definition (seriously). I brought back to him something I read from a random article on the internet. Not a solid answer in my opinion.

But, that was my jumping-off point into the depths of my career. That question was the sole driver of my career; the relentless pursuit of understanding.

After 3 years, I would say that I have a better understanding; however, there is still so much to learn.

Here are 3 key takeaways from my experience as a Strength and Conditioning coach that can define my role:

1. People first, training second: No matter if you are an athlete, gym newcomer, or pro, you are a person not a machine.

We all love hitting our goals in the gym and training hard but, how does your coach treat you as a person? Do they consider your lifestyle, your interests, or your goals when working with you? A lot of people might spend more time with you as their coach than they do with their families. Work on building a relationship with them as a person first before you try and instruct them as their coach.

2. Be well-versed in multiple aspects of training and fitness: Boxing yourself in with one style of training is a sure way to limit your growth and reach.

Not saying you have to know everything. But, understanding the basics of training and incorporating your own touch is what will set you apart from the rest. It will also provide you with many options to assist your clients.

3. Embrace failure: The only true failure is the failure to try.

There is no official playbook on how to be a great coach. Many successful coaches have worked on their craft for most of their lives. They all share the same 3 qualities: hard work, creativity, and motivation to succeed. What sets a great coach apart from a mediocre one is how they have dealt with the failures in their career. Injuries and losses teach us where our weaknesses are. Great coaches see the weaknesses and ensure they don’t happen again by taking direct action.

When I passed my strength and conditioning certification test, my mentor texted me and said, “great work.” I replied saying thank you and that I finally knew what it meant to be a strength and conditioning coach. But, like Kobe Bryant says, “Job’s not finished.”

Stay off your heels and sharpen your craft.

Best wishes,

Dylan Kopp, CSCS

P.S. Looking to make a pivot in your career? PFP is now hiring for new coaches. Click here to apply to be part of this dream team and mission to change the world.

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