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Fall Sports Are Coming To An End...time to Rate, Recovery, Re-focus and Re-set

Fall Sports Are Coming To An End...time to Rate, Recovery, Re-focus and Re-set

With the Fall sports season coming to an end, here are 3 things the best athletes will do:

  1. Rate their season 1-10.
  1. What was my progress from start to end?
  2. How was my mindset? Am I proud of how I handled adversity?
  3. Overall performance- did I achieve the goals I set out to achieve?
  4. Effort and focus- did I bring my best to practice and games 85% of the time?
  5. Risks and aggression- did I seek growth or comfort more often? How did I step up and get out of my comfort zone?
  1. Recover like a PRO.
  1. Your body is likely talking to you by now. The best athletes will engage in a 2-3 week true recovery period that involved foam rolling, ankle/hip/shoulder mobility, foot/hip/knee/core stability, and more mindful work like breathing.
  1. Reset-focus and Re-set.
  1. What are you learn and what are you going to apply in this off-season?
  2. What matters NOW? What are your goals?
  3. What must you eliminate to achieve those goals?
  4. What new habits, practices, and actions must you engage in to make massive progress?

If your athlete wants guidance from a Professional Performance Coach to reflect and then maximize their off-season by planning and preparing like a pro, REPLY "YES" and we will hook you up.

And how about this-- for the first 5 parents/athletes that reply to this, we are going to give you this 1 on 1 Session (normally just $50) for FREE.

Serving you,

Coach Andrew and the PFP Team

Andrew Simpson

Chief Vision Officer
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